
Sriram Desai, an Engineer at PayPal Has Been Building Prototypes for Emerging Markets for over 3 years

25-year-old Sriram Desai loves to experiment with new things, identify challenges, and more importantly- devise innovative solutions to problems. Fresh out of college, it’s this very knack for problem-solving which led him to intern at PayPal where he joined the Emerging Markets team.

Sriram's Favourites

As a Software Engineer* Sriram has had the opportunity to learn and hone his skills on the job. He also worked on several projects including iOS, web development, data analysis, building REST services, and many more.

These opportunities have enabled Sriram to push his boundaries and become the engineer that he is today. “I have been able to enhance and write REST services which cater to our emerging markets. I analyze the problem at hand and come up with prototypes or potential solutions to help our teams come up with designs to solve the given problem”.

Having worked on a wide range of projects at PayPal, Sriram says that it’s the most challenging ones which always leave you with a lot of learnings.

Sharing his learnings, Sriram is fascinated with the way cutting-edge technology is used today by teams which specialize in live broadcasting of sporting events. Given his passion for technology, he would love to understand how technology is harnessed with such agility.  


* In the spirit of Engineer’s Day, the #EngineersOfPayPal series is aimed to spotlight all the remarkable work they have done across the Tech Centers in Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad for PayPal, globally.

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